We were at the railway station when a family of four people hired us There was a noisy man with a lady, a little boy, a young girl, and a lot of heavy luggage. 当时我们在火车站,有一家四口来叫车。这一家有一个吵吵嚷嚷的男人和一位女士、一个小男孩和一个小女孩,还有很多沉重的行李。
When the first railway trains ran, a man had to go before each train carrying a red flag. 最早的铁路火车运行时,每列火车前面得有一个人手持红旗开路。
Before making a success of his writing, he worked as a taxi driver, a newspaper seller, a miner, and a railway man. 他在写作取得成就之前,曾当过出租汽车司机、卖报人、矿工和铁路工人。
Life just was as the passage train runing on the railway, when it run in to the tunnels and bridges that was built by the old man in young year, he sometimes felt a little pride. 人生真象坐火车在铁路上快跑,当火车越过他年青时修建的洞、桥时,他有一丝快意,那时的艰辛给了今日的便利。
Knowing that the man had worked for the railway previously, the man asked him whether the eight o'clock was the faster train. 知道那个男人之前在铁路部门工作过,男人问他8点钟的那趟列车是否是快车。
In the article we offer the reference of railway communication ′ s design through the analysis and comparatively of the access technology of the MAN. 对宽带城域网接入技术进行比较和分析,为铁路通信设计提供参考依据。
China Railway Construction MAN Huludao company will greatly promote local development of IP broadband services to meet the people growing network demands. 中国铁通葫芦岛公司城域网的建设将极大的促进当地IP宽带业务的发展,满足人们不断增加的网络需求。
Though a great deal of investigations, the paper bring forward the present problems such as railway management behind the time, transportation ability shortage, basic facilities scanty, be short of logistic professional man etc on the developing of railway freight. 通过对铁路货运的发展现状的大量调查,提出了铁路管理滞后、运力不足、基础设施匮乏、缺少物流专业人才等诸多铁路货运向现代物流企业转化的现实问题。